Get involved

To get involved in the Traffic Dynamics, Management and Control lab, contact Andreas Hegyi or Victor Knoop. The lab organises biweekly “brain gain” meeting to have a quick exchange of ideas. Moreover, every 8 weeks a seminar is organised, where several speakers present their (ongoing or finished) work.

If you are a TU Delft Msc student and like to graduate within the lab: very welcome, and contact Andreas or Victor.

In principle, we post vacancies for PhD students or postdoctoral positions on the TU Delft vacancy website. Generally, if there are no vacancies posted, we do not have funding for visitors or funded positions available.  If you like to work with the lab and you already have an Msc degree, please contact the me by sending (1) a CV, (2) the desired period of working, and (3) the desired funding you have and need from the us. We get many non-personalized requests (mail merge requests). Make sure your e-mail stands out, and add something personal (if you are uncertain what, add the code 555 to your e-mail showing you read this section).