Selected publications

A full list of publications is available via Pure at the TU Delft. Moreover, several researcher keep track of their publications at different places, like research gate, or LinkedIn. For Victor Knoops publications, see


Knoop, V.L., Wang, M., Wilmink, I.M., Hoedemaeker, M., Maaskant, M, Van der Meer, E.-J. (2019) Platoon of SAE level-2 automated vehicles on public roads: setup, traffic interactions, and stability. Transportation Research Records, Volume 2673, Issue 9, pp 311-322

Wierbos, M.-J., Knoop, V.L., Hänseler, F., and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2019), Capacity, Capacity Drop and Relation of Capacity to the Path Width in Bicycle Traffic. Transportation Research Records

Nagalur Subraveti, H.H.S., Knoop, V.L. and Van Arem, B. (accepted) First Order Multi-lane traffic flow model- An incentive based macroscopic model to represent lane change dynamics. Accepted for Transportmetrica B

De Baat, M., Knoop, V.L. and Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2018), Rijstrookwisselgedrag scherper in beeld: een rij-experiment en online enquete. (In Dutch; A clear view on lane change behavior: a driving test and an online survey) Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap