For Whom

Targeted audience

  • The course is intended for people working in the field of corrosion engineering, civil engineering and material science, where fundamental and practical knowledge of corrosion science, technology and corrosion control will bring understanding of challenges towards solving issues and finding solutions.
  • No preliminary or initial training is required, although it is presumed that the participant has knowledge and basic background of general material science, corrosion-related degradation mechanisms and/or concrete material science.


The course is designed in a manner, suitable for:

  • MSc, PhD** students
  • Postdoc researchers
  • Academic and industry professionals

For an optimum execution of the hands-on sessions, places
are limited to 8 for the lab (minimum number of registered
participants per course edition is 4*)
PhD students, who completed the full course, will receive a certificate
in accordance with TU Delft Graduate School (GS) regulations.

*With lower or exceeding number of registrations, the organisers reserve the
right to transfer registrations to the next course edition (with co-ordination of
registered participants)

Outcome and gain for course participants: i)  knowledge on fundamental principles of the main degradation mechanism in infrastructure i.e. corrosion (metals in general and reinforced concrete in particular) and how to protect structures from corrosion; ii)  understanding on the identification of corrosion types, formulation of corrosion risks and corrosion-related costs, making decision and argumentative choice/selection of material classes and protection techniques; iii) appraisal and weigh-up of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach (e.g. electrochemistry, chemistry and concrete material science) within corrosion assessment and control for infrastructure.