Paul Raingeard de la Blétière

Paul is a PhD candidate in the Interactive Intelligence Group at TU Delft, supervised by Catharine Oertel and Mark Neerincx. He obtained a MSc in Science in Engineering from Keio University (Japan), a Msc in Robotics Engineering from Universita degli studi di Genova (Italy), and an Engineering Degree from Ecole Centrale Nantes (France), as part of the JEMARO (Japan-Europe Master in Advanced Robotics) program.

Paul’s research focuses on creating a musical robot for People with Dementia. In practice, his work aims to personalize therapeutic interventions while exploring the role of Human-Robot Interactions in cognition and mood improvements. Paul is part of the QoLEAD (Quality of Life by use of Enabling AI in Dementia), a six-year project supported by NWO and Alzheimer Netherlands to bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and warm care for people with dementia.