100 DAYS OF...Data for Learning | Educational Data Project Hackathon | 18 January

18 January 2023 14:00 till 16:00 | Add to my calendar

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About this event

Join the Educational Data Project Hackathon on Wednesday 18 January at 14:00-16:00 at the Teaching Lab to get information about the hackathon: requirements will be fully explained and there will be plenty of time for questions.

To register (as an individual or group), complete the form by clicking the button below. The deadline for this is 25 November. 

In short...

  • When. 18 January 2023 14.00h-16.00h
  • Where. TU Delft Teaching Lab
  • What. Kick-off of the Educational Data Project hackathon: sharing information on requirements and goal + plenty of time for questions. 
Event has been cancelled

Background - 100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning Hackathons

Everyone uses data, and it is certainly fundamental at TU Delft for teaching, studying and research. As a lecturer, researcher, or educational advisor, you have a lot to say about it, so join our  hackathon on the broad theme of ‘data for learning’. Everyone is welcome!    
The ‘100 DAYS OF…’ group is running a series of hackathon events in December and January to get  
insights, reflections and ideas from all perspectives, from students, lecturers, researchers and support staff – and technical knowledge and experience is not required.  
There are two hackathons you can take part in based on your interest:  

  1. Building with Data: you (or a group) develop something from existing anonymised educational data that we will provide. This might be a visualisation, a small application, or some insights or reflections on ethical, privacy or any other relevant issues, related to the ‘data for learning’ theme.  
  2. Educational Data Project: you (or a group) devise and pitch an idea or project, which may later be developed; for example, you could think about a new platform or novel uses for currently available data. This could be of particular interest to educators looking to shape the way data is used now and in the future.  

Join one – or both – of the relevant kick-off events, where you can work in a group or individually, and we hope that whichever event you come to, you might meet others you could potentially work together with.  

For a more detailed explanation of the hackathons, watch this video

About the '100 DAYS OF...'  

The '100 DAYS OF' is an initiative organised by 4TU.CEE, LDE-CEL, TU Delft Teaching and Learning Services, TU Delft Extension School, and  TU Delft Teaching Academy to collaboratively  explore Data for Learning in engineering education.
After '100 DAYS' an artefact, product or activity - co-created with contributors and attendees of the 100 DAYS - will be shared to showcase our lessons learned, considerations, and ways to go forward for lecturers, coordinators, and education management.

In this edition of the “100 DAYS OF... ” we collaboratively explore Data for Learning in the context of (engineering) education.
Interested in this topic? Or want to get involved in this exploration. Make sure to keep a close eye on the webpage dedicated to this initiative for an overview of our exploration and upcoming activities.