416 results

25 April 2018

Sander Schornagel started his BSc project

Sander Schornagel started his BSc project

On April 23 Sander started his BSc project on MRI Imaging. His supervisor is Frans Vos.

25 April 2018

Jeffrey Bakker started his BSc project

Jeffrey Bakker started his BSc project

On April 23 Jeffrey Bakker started his BSc project on "DTI MRI tbss ampethamine use". His supervisor is Frans Vos.

25 April 2018

Taylor Hinsdale joined our group as Post-Doc

Taylor Hinsdale joined our group as Post-Doc

Taylor will work on single molecule localisation microscope and build a new setup for imaging. We envision that with this setup he can localise single molecules with less light than the current standard. He will work together with PhD student Ramus Thorsen and as supervisors Sjoerd Stallinga and Bernd Rieger.

25 April 2018

Ruben van Oosterhoudt started his internship

Ruben van Oosterhoudt started his internship

Student Ruben van Oosterhoudt from the the Hague University of Applied Sciences started his internship titled: “From 2D to 3D imaging with holography” His supervisors are Jeroen Kalkman and Jos van Rooij.

25 April 2018

Wahhe Ajroemjan started his BSc project

Wahhe Ajroemjan started his BSc project

TUD applied physics student Wahhe Ajroemjan started with his bachelor end project titled “Dynamic range enhanced optical coherence projection tomography” His supervisors are Jeroen Kalkman and Jelle van der Horst.

19 April 2018

100,000 euros for new design course of Applied Physics

100,000 euros for new design course of Applied Physics

The National Governing Body for Education Research (NRO) will make available an amount of €100,000 for the new Applied Physics course ‘Design Engineering for Physicists’. The NRO has honoured an application by Prof. Chris Kleijn, Dr. Rolf Hut (CitG/TNW), Dr. Koen van Dongen (TNW) and Prof. Marc de Vries (TNW) for a Comenius Senior Fellowship.

13 April 2018

NWO grant of €17 million for the development of electron microscopy in the Netherlands

NWO grant of €17 million for the development of electron microscopy in the Netherlands

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a grant of more than 17 million euros for the further development of the Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure (NEMI). The network consists of five university medical centres and eight universities, with Utrecht as the coordinating university. The grant will enable the scientists to combine various technologies in the field of electron microscopy and as a result to learn more about the composition and coherence of the biological and material micro-world.

04 April 2018

School kids visit VLLAIR and QN labs

School kids visit VLLAIR and QN labs

In the morning of Wednesday 28 March, about 30 7-8 year old children from the Simon Carmiggelt school in Delft visited VLLAIR and some of the labs of QN in the context of their theme month on science.

04 April 2018

Large 4TU proposal granted

Large 4TU proposal granted

Very happy that Imphys together with groups in TUE and UT get large 4TU grant to integrate new imaging techniques and artificial intelligence for preciser diagnosis and therapy. We are looking for tenure trackers!

26 March 2018

Publication on aberration control in Optics Express

Publication on aberration control in Optics Express

Former MSc-student Marijn Siemons, together with Christiaan Hulleman, Rasmus Thorsen, Imphys-alumnus Carlas Smith, and Sjoerd Stallinga published in Optics Express on aberration control for single molecule localization microscopy, reaching aberration levels below 20 mlambda.


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