New Features

Tag-field in page proporties

In order to add to option for custom sorting in overview an additional tag field has been added to the page proporties. 

This way you can add your own terms, tags or numbers to help display items in a specific order, without messing up the metadata of your page.

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Hover-action on card overviews

With the hover-setting in our dynamic card overviews you can display just a little bit more of that introduction text. Two display options are available:

  • Display both the image and abstract permanently
  • Display the image and only show the abstract when hovering over the result

Both are displayed below.

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Webform conditions

A bit of an experimental feature, but we can now add rules or conditions to powermail webforms and enable/disable input field based on set criteria, such as selecting option 1 enables the e-mail field, but selecting option 2, disables that field and enables the address field.


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Image parallax

The new Image parallax option sets the selected image as a background image , while moving all other content over it.

Please keep in mind that the viewport is a 16:9 crop. Also, not every mobile device can handle this properly, in which case the image handling reverts to just being an image instead of a parallax background image.

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