Vision Team Mobility

‘Pathways to mobility futures’

Our desire to move has too great an impact on our climate, the available space and our scarce resources. Our mobility system urgently needs to become sustainable, accessible, inclusive, safe and resilient. We need to drastically rethink our mobility system.

TU Delft has all the expertise to play a major role in the transition to resilient and sustainable mobility. This is why the TU Delft | Transport & Mobility Institute took the initiative to launch a vision team entitled: ‘Pathways to mobility futures’. The goal of this project is to develop scenarios for the future of mobility and transportation from the various disciplines within TU Delft 

The team consists of Mobilisers: talented TU Delft scientists, innovators and strategic communicators in the field of mobility who are strongly motivated to make more societal impact on the theme of sustainable, resilient mobility. They will work together to co-create the vision of TU Delft on the future of our mobility system. 

If you would like to contribute or if you have any questions regarding this team and purpose, please contact Deborah Nas  who is guiding this process, or Serge Hoogendoorn, chair of the TU Delft |  Transport & Mobility Institute.

The Team of Mobilisers