Teaching and Learning Support Open Office for all your questions!

"How do I set up my gradebook in Brightspace, or what can I do with the errors I get?"

"I would like to start using ANS as a formative testing tool, where do I start?"

"What tools are available for (peer) feedback?"

"How do I copy (parts of) my Brightspace course from previous year(s)?"


Have some of these questions crossed your mind or do you have any type of issues with educational tooling such as Brightspace, FeedbackFruits, ANS or any of the other tools supported by Teaching and Learning Support?

Meet face-to-face with a support team member to work on it together during the Teaching and Learning Support Open Office hours the entire month of September and October 2022!

Location: The Teaching Lab, building 32A, Landbergstraat 19 (Space with the yellow walls and furniture!)

Days: every Tuesday and Thursday in November & December. 

Time: 11.00 – 14:00


Do you have questions outside the open office hours? Please feel free to visit the support website, send an email to Teaching Support (teaching-support@tudelft.nl) or call 015-27 84 333 between 9:00 and 17:00 from Monday to Friday.

Upcoming Open Offices