
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science

The Cybersecurity group conducts research into various topics, ranging from cryptography to data analytics, and focuses on improving cybersecurity. We aim to make – in particular the digital – world safer by furthering state-of-the-art computer science theories, algorithms, and implementations.

Research area

In privacy, we develop advanced methods for homomorphic encryption and multi-party computing with application in data sharing and blockchain. In hardware, we use machine learning to develop new attack mechanisms for side-channel analysis, and evolutionary algorithms to create improved hardware designs. In networking, we build crawlers and fuzzers to collect big data sets that give us an overview of the latest security threats. In software, we develop new algorithms for automated reverse engineering or analysis of applications.

We develop solutions that contribute to the very latest technology in the fields of computer security and artificial intelligence (AI). Examples include the development of learning algorithms that can handle large network data flows, deep learning methods that are immune to common side-channel defenses, machine learning algorithms that can operate on encrypted data, and analysis of the latest security threats. We aim to publish our results in scientific journal and conferences of A and A* quality, and to transfer our scientific know-how and technologies to students, and our public and private partners in the field of cybersecurity.


We are responsible for cybersecurity education at B.Sc. and M.Sc. level in the computer science program. Since 2013, a specialization program on cybersecurity exists within the master program in Computer Science. We closely collaborate in teaching, student supervision and research with other groups within Computer Science (such as Software Engineering, Distributed Systems, and Delft Blockchain lab), and in particular with our colleagues in the Cybersecurity group at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management through the Computer Science special program Cybersecurity, and the Executive Master program Cybersecurity.

Collaborations with external organizations are essential for education and research in cybersecurity. The cybersecurity group has an extensive network of public and private partnerships, which in many cases provide us with use cases, cybersecurity data, and financial support. Our research and education can therefore be characterized as being use-inspired and fundamental, ranging from developing new security and AI algorithms to engaging with real use cases of our partners.


Research activities
The research activities are organized around our faculty members.


03 september 2019

Victory at the Robust Malware Detection Challenge

Victory at the Robust Malware Detection Challenge

Our team won both tracks of the Robust Malware Detection Challenge hosted by the Adversarial Machine Learning Workshop at KDD 2019.

26 augustus 2019



Last week, researchers from TU Delft presented 3 papers at the Usenix security symposium.

04 juli 2019

MoU Tu Delft – TWISC Taiwan

MoU Tu Delft – TWISC Taiwan

CyberSecurity@TUDelft and Taiwan Information Security Center (TWISC) signed a Letter of Intent for the collaboration on several research projects.

24 mei 2019

Vidi’s voor zeven Delftse toponderzoekers

Vidi’s voor zeven Delftse toponderzoekers

De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) heeft aan zeven Delftse wetenschappers een Vidi-financiering toegekend. Hiermee biedt NWO hen de mogelijkheid om een eigen onderzoekslijn te ontwikkelen en een onderzoeksgroep op te bouwen.

26 maart 2019

Onderzoeksprogramma AIVD en TU Delft op gebied van digitale veiligheid van start

Naarmate onze samenleving meer digitaal vervlochten raakt, groeit ook de kwetsbaarheid voor misbruik van digitale technologie. Om ons begrip van de digitale bedreiging van onze nationale veiligheid te vergroten, alsmede die van de technische, organisatorische en institutionele manieren om hier verantwoordelijk mee om te gaan, zijn de AIVD en de TU Delft een gezamenlijk onderzoeksprogramma gestart.

05 maart 2019

TU Delft Cyber Security research exchange with NTU

28 februari 2019

European Commission Signs CyberSec4Europe Grant Agreement

This week representatives of the European Commission signed the grant agreement launching the CyberSec4Europe project, one of four such projects to be selected. The successful proposals were submitted in response to the call under Horizon 2020 to establish and operate a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network and to develop and implement a common cybersecurity research and innovation roadmap.

26 februari 2019

Commission launches pilot projects to reinforce EU's cybersecurity capacity

The European Commission is investing more than €63.5 million in four pilot projects to lay the ground work for building a European network of centres of cybersecurity expertise which will help to reinforce research and coordination of cybersecurity in the EU.

08 januari 2019

2nd JPEG Workshop on Media Blockchain Announcement (Lisbon)

2nd JPEG Workshop on Media Blockchain Announcement (Lisbon)

Dr. Zeki Erkin is giving an invited talk on “Blockchain, Distributed Trust and Privacy” at 2nd JPEG Workshop on Media Blockchain in Lisbon on Tuesday the 22nd of January 2019.

29 november 2018

The Project Moonshot was introduced at CJIB headquarters in Leeuwarden on the 23rd of November.

The Project Moonshot was introduced at CJIB headquarters in Leeuwarden on the 23rd of November.

In September 2018 the Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB) started the researchproject “Moonshot” in association with TU Delft (Zeki Erkin ), Dutch Blockchain Coalition (Marloes Pomp, Koen Hartog) and Ledger Leopard.