Quantum circuits

What does quantum computing look like? Exploring the basic units of quantum algorithms is a good place to start.

Building Quantum Circuits

Quantum circuits are made by combining multiple successive gates. Cumulatively, they manipulate qubits – both individually and in multiples – to perform complex calculations known as algorithms. Shor’s algorithm, shown below, is used to factorize integers.

Composing algorithms | Quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm, are built using a composition of successive gates.

A quantum computing interface

Most quantum programming frame-works offer interfaces which represent the qubit operations as shown in the image on this and the previous page”. In such a diagram, each line represents one qubit, which in this case all start in “0”. The different squares indicate manipulation of a qubit via a gate. The H gate, for example, creates a superposition from the “0” state, whereas the X gate flips a qubit from “0” to “1” and vice versa.

Lastly, we see connections between different qubits. These indicate a conditional gate, in which depending on the state of a neighbor we do or do not manipulate the qubit itself.