A collaborative initiative with Maskerclass, TU Delft and Delft student organisations to strategically improve mental well-being at TU Delft. 

Evaluation and experience

"Students that participated in this programme look back on a positive experience. Through this process, mental health has become a more tangible topic and provided inspiration and motivation to develop and share well-being policies for their respective associations. All participants also confirmed that the taboo surrounding the subject within the association has decreased."

"Initiatives such as Maskerclass show that students are motivated to contribute to the student community and when they are given sufficient trust and guidance they can make a great positive impact. They also provide a valuable channels to exchange insights into students’ experience and knowledge at TU Delft."

Biggest Brainstorming Session at Maskerclass 2023-2024

If you are interested to learn more about the project, or participate in our pilot we'd be happy to hear from you.