TU Delft Duty of Care

Politics and society place a great demand on universities when it comes to student well-being. The increased expectations, also from students, put pressure on the people within TU Delft who guide students. The question of where the duty of care begins, when we are doing it well, and where the duty of care ends was increasingly asked. In the Duty of Care memorandum (TU Delft, May 2023), we elaborate on the background, framing, and operationalization of our Duty of Care. In the following two-pager, you will find a brief summary of the interpretation of our duty of care, its elaboration in the Duty of Care framework, and the intended implementation.

Also, refer to the ECIO manual with good practices on the development of duty of care policies within higher education, including TU Delft.

TU Delft Vision on Student Guidance

As an extension of our duty of care, TU Delft has formulated its own ambitions out of concern for its students and linked to the pursuit of more student success. The vision of student guidance is a translation of this. It contains shared core values and principles that guide us in fulfilling our duty of care and in our pursuit of more student success. During the development of the vision, the internal guidance chain has also been elaborated. The chain provides insight into which topics we provide guidance on for students, when and how collaboration takes place between the various guidance roles.