Continuing Professional Development trainings: Life Long Learning for Lecturers

At Teaching and Learning Services, our commitment lies in fostering the growth and development of lecturers at TU Delft. Over the period from January to March 2024, we organized 15 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) trainings, involving 120 participants in valuable and enriching learning opportunities.

Looking back: successful trainings

Activating Large Audiences & Education on Stage

This month's pearls were 'Activating Large Audiences' and 'Education on Stage'. These courses provided lecturers with professional performance skills to engage students effectively and maintain their attention. One participant remarked, "It was impressive to see how fast you can learn these techniques with only a bit of practice. Everybody reached a really high level at the end.”

The activation course explored detailed methods for guiding student actions and incorporated tools like 'Movies in the Mind' and game-inspired concepts to enhance in-class exercises. "It was definitely worth it."

Teaching Assistant Training for Campus Courses

In February, a specialized training session was conducted for teaching assistants (TAs) who will be supporting teachers with their courses. This training utilized a flipped classroom approach, where (prospective) TAs equipped themselves for their upcoming responsibilities. They not only gained insights into their roles and contexts but also learned effective strategies for motivating students, addressing their inquiries, and maintaining a delicate balance between fostering student autonomy and providing guidance. Missed the training session? Not to worry, see here for more training opportunities.

Rubrics – Consistent Grading of Assignments and Projects

This month’s training Rubrics - Consistent grading of assignments and projects included a focus on developing rubrics using generative AI. Participants engaged in refining their existing rubrics, gained new insights in grading tools and actively shared their experiences.

Looking forward: upcoming trainings

Board of Examiners
TLS is excited to announce an extension of the Board of Examiners Training with a Lunch Session on April 23rd! This session will facilitate knowledge sharing and discussions on recent cases across faculties. Board of Examiners members, register now for this lunch—spaces are limited! Save the date for the main training on May 21st, covering topics such as test quality assurance and accreditation processes. Enhance your expertise with us!

Speed up your grading
During the hands-on workshop Speed Grading, we will delve into practical strategies for both short-term and long-term grading time reduction. You will explore opportunities and exchange best practices in a small group setting. A learning developer will share insights and tips to enhance your grading efficiency, while also providing the opportunity to refine your course assessment. It starts on 25 April, free of charge. Learn more and register here.

Teaching with Open Educational Resources
After a big success in February, TLS & Library will host this training again. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that permit no-cost access, use, adaption and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. Lecturers can adapt and publish their own OER, thereby meeting the needs of their students more closely than when using proprietary and commercial resources.  It starts on 28 May, free of charge. Learn more and register here.

Teaching assistants courses
Teaching Assistant Training for Campus Courses on 29 April and 9 May, free of charge.

Building and Moderating Extension School Courses  on 23 April & 14 May, free of charge.


Calendar of CPD trainings in May

For detailed information, visit the Teaching support website. To register directly go to the training portal.