More facilities for hybrid education

Based on lecturer experiences gained during a pilot this spring, facilities for hybrid education will be expanded this summer. Eight education rooms spread over campus will be equipped with advanced microphones, cameras and extra monitors for hybrid education, which supports a high level of interaction for all participants.

As well as these eight education rooms, simple ‘hybrid light’ sets are available; so called MeetUps. With these sets the lecturer is visible and audible for all students, but interaction is limited. Availability of the MeetUp sets is organised by the faculties themselves. Locations will be added to the Education Spaces Viewer as soon as possible.

Hybrid education is on the rise already for several years. Last year due to COVID-19 interest has grown rapidly. Although students can come to campus for three days in the new academic year, not everyone can be there at the same time, especially so long as group sizes are limited to 75 persons. Hybrid education gives the opportunity for students and lecturers, who cannot come to campus for any reason, to come together synchronously. Of course, this could also be very interesting in collaborations with other universities, businesses or (guest) lecturers from abroad.

Good preparation of hybrid education is essential, like in particular the supporting role of a moderator who for example monitors the online attendants and helps with some light technical support. Think about the role of a student assistant.

Interested in going hybrid? Teaching & Learning Services together with the Blended Learning Developers/Advisors of the faculties are working on Tips&Tricks for hybrid education and collects all information on the Teaching Academy website. Please keep an eye on this website. And of course, you can always contact your Blended Learning Developer/Advisor for the right starting point: what do you need and what should you think of when going hybrid.