Students taking responsibility for their own learning process

'Taking Responsibility team on the go'

Here we are; here we go! The team of the IDEE Students Taking Responsibility (for their learning) has been given a go for running the program. In the coming five years, a large team of educators, researchers, and learning developers will look at opening up curriculums and courses to accommodate (more) student responsibility. The full program proposal has been updated based on the comments we got from the IDEE steering board. Four work packages have been defined, coordination and supervision roles for the Ph.D. candidate and the postdoctoral researcher have been set, Ph.D. and postdoc vacancy texts have been written, and meetings have been scheduled. The final version of the program outline and the involved people can be found here.
The first WP deals with developing Common Ground. Activities will be 

  • A university-wide TR kick-off event; on 2 February 2024, where we will launch our motivation, objectives, approach, and together brainstorm about the contents (and planning) of the different activities.
  • Journal clubs; always around one key concept with the objective to clarify and define the basic terms and concepts we are dealing with. 
  • Sharing TUD teaching practices; in an informal setting, colleagues and/or students share their practices and experiences from our TUD courses and programs.
  • Guest lectures, more formal, mostly by scholars outside of the university, but also by students with the objective to bring in fresh ideas, insights, and experiences from elsewhere. 
  • TR colloquiums; in this format we would like to invite ourselves in meetings within departments, teaching teams (program level), departmental education days, or research groups to whom we ask to share and discuss their experiences and challenges in Students Taking Responsibility. 
  • Research Methodology Workshops; hands-on workshops on how to use (the results and insights) from these events in the formulation of a research methodology.

Feeling to join? Please, reach out to us via the Teaching Academy: