Poster Presentation Event Hydraulic Engineering

Nieuws - 02 maart 2019 - Webmaster Hydraulic Engineering


Time: Thursday, April 4th, 16.00
Location: CiTG, TUDelft, room: t.b.a.

You are all invited to this year’s first Poster Presentation Event of the Hydraulic Engineering department.  This is a great opportunity for PhDs and Postdocs to get to know each other, share your work and learn about possible research connections. For Master students this is a good chance to learn a bit on what research is being done in our department, especially if you are interested in pursuing a research career yourself or if you are looking for a graduation topic! Supervisors and other HE-staff are also more than welcome.

We will start at 16:00 with short poster pitches of 45 seconds. You will then have time to walk around, discuss each other's work and make connections. The poster may be already presented in past events. If you don't have a poster, you can also print some slides or even just come by and see what others do. 

Drinks and snacks will be provided, the only thing you have to do is confirm your attendance before March 19th  with this link.