Marcel Stive


Professor Stive, since March 2017 emeritus professor, has plus 40 years experience in research and consultancy projects in the fields of hydraulic engineering, coastal morphodynamics, coastal bio-geomorphology and coastal and estuarine management, as team member, as team leader and as advisor. His record involves coasts, estuaries, harbours and offshore projects in many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, using fieldwork, experimental physical and mathematical physical models. He was involved in several projects sponsored by the science and technology programmes of the EU, of two of which he was overall co-ordinator. Moreover, he spent two years as visiting professor on the Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya, and was part-time professor Coastal Morphodynamics at Delft University of Technology from 1994 to 2001. In 2001 he accepted the fulltime chair of Coastal Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of Delft University of Technology and in 2009 he became Department Head of Hydraulic Engineering. Between 2003 and 2010 he was scientific director of the Water Research Centre of Delft University of Technology, and from 2006 until 2012 he was leading the EU Erasmus Mundus MSc programme on Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management CoMEM). He was a member of the New (A.K.A. Second) Delta Committee for the Netherlands (2007-2008), of the Board of Trustees of the Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (1998-2008), of the National Advisory Committee on Water Defence (1996-2017), of the Scientific Advisory Council of Deltares (2009-2018) and of the International Conference Councils for the ICCE (2004-2014) and for Coastal Dynamics (1994-present). He was advisor to the Vietnamese Government on sustainable development of the Greater Mekong Delta Region (2010-2014), and to the Myanmar Government on sustainable development of the national water
system (2013-2017), and held an ERC Advanced Research Grant for the NEMO Project (2012-2017). He was and is still appointed to research positions both in Shanghai (East China Normal University) and in Nanjing (Hohai University). He
has written many publications on a variety of topics, ranging from geology to hydraulic engineering and coastal zone management. Chapter 6 of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report contains 11 references to his publications. He is contributing
author to Chapter 5 of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, which contains 4 references to his publications. His current Google H-index is plus 63 (2023). In 2012 he received an Honorary Doctorate from Lund University, Sweden. In 2013, he was knighted in the Order of the Dutch Lion. In 2014 he received the Coastal Sediments Award, in 2015 the ASCE Coastal Award and in 2018 the Friendship Award of Jiangsu Province, P.R. China and the Medal Award in Support of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam in 2019. He is considered the “father” of the “Sand Engine”, a Building with Nature iconic project. He has supervised 12 postdocs, 44 Delft PhD and 5 Dutch (Groningen, Twente, Wageningen and Maastricht) PhD dissertations and in the order of 400 MSc theses, all of this only possible with the aid of his amazing staff.

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Marcel Stive

Former Chairman of the Department