Poster prize for "best content and discussion" for Jaco Geuchies

News - 02 October 2020 - Communication TNW

In July, Jaco won the poster prize at the Internet Conference for Quantum Dots (iCQD) with the poster on "Quantitative electrochemical control over optical gain in quantum-dot solids".

The poster highlights research within the quantum-dot community that is unique because of “the combination of electrochemistry on our nanoparticles (where we can inject electrons in a controlled manner, we charge the particles) plus the fast laser spectroscopy (where we can follow processes in the excited state. of the nanoparticles very well). We are working towards making efficient lasers from our quantum dots and I think the research that I have presented here takes a big step towards this ”.

Jaco received the prize because of the content of the poster and the clear discussion about it.