ELLIS Delft Unit’s poster event was a great success

News - 22 June 2023 - ELLIS Unit Delft

On Wednesday 14th of June in TU Delft’s Mondai | House of AI, we celebrated the Delft machine learning and AI ecosystem, focusing on past activities and future ambitions of the ELLIS Delft Unit and the broader TU Delft AI Initiative.

There were inspiring presentations, vivid open discussions, and research poster presentations. We were also glad to host an exquisite interdisciplinary faculty panel on "AI beyond myth and hype": Do we need to slow down AI? How are new AI tools disrupting research and education? Does the future of AI need to be dystopian?

In an era where tremendous AI opportunities and breakthroughs meet growing societal concerns, Geert-Jan HoubenAlessandro BozzonJantien Stoter, and Willem-Paul Brinkman, together with colleagues and students, dared to imagine how AI is set to change our educational, research, and societal paradigms.

This was a moment of insightful exchanges that were also linked to the recent statement on public AI discourse by the ELLIS - European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

Congratulations to all our PhDs participating in the event, actively sharing their thoughts on these topics, and presenting their research. From biological to built environment applications, you guys keep up the great job and keep pushing further the boundaries of knowledge.

Many congratulations to our poster winners too! Ted de Vries Lentsch, Steven Adams, and Pascal van der Vaart. A big thank you to Arlette van Hoeven for the organizational support.