News archive

47010 results

03 December 2021

The MUDNET team won the NWO Team Science award

This week it was announced that the MUDNET team, of which Deyan Draganov and Julia Gebert are members, won the NWO Team Science award.

11 November 2021

Waarom een metro onder Utrecht 'makkelijker' is dan onder Amsterdam

De gemeente Utrecht wil met financiële hulp van het Rijk graag twee metrolijnen aanleggen. Met de verzakkingen van de Noord/Zuidlijn in Amsterdam in het achterhoofd, lijkt dat een complexe onderneming. Wout Broere, universitair docent Ondergronds Bouwen, vertelt hoe dat technisch in zijn werk gaat.

11 October 2021

GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars

During the pandemic, Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE, TU Delft) and Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University) seized the opportunity to support the scientific community to combat work-from-home-isolation. They established the Geoscience & GeoEnergy Webinars; which features a scientist every Thursday 16:00 on youtube.

11 October 2021

GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars

During the pandemic, Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE, TU Delft) and Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University) seized the opportunity to support the scientific community to combat work-from-home-isolation. They established the Geoscience & GeoEnergy Webinars; which features a scientist every Thursday 16:00 on youtube.

25 June 2021

A documentary about the former GSE building at the Mijnbouwstraat

A documentary about the former GSE building at the Mijnbouwstraat

During the KNGMG annual meeting of Thursday May 27th, a documentary about the great history of our former building at the Mijnbouwstraat was shown. If you missed it, you can check (126) Mijnbouwstraat 120. 1912-2021. Een markant gebouw - YouTube (unfortunately, in Dutch only).