News Archive

32 results

06 November 2018

'Lack of ambition in much-needed modernisation of Dutch railways'

'Lack of ambition in much-needed modernisation of Dutch railways'

According to Rob Goverde, professor of Railway Traffic Operations & Management, Dutch railways should switch much faster to the modern European ERTMS communication standard for rail traffic control and safety. This is a key message in his inaugural address to be held at TU Delft on Friday, 9 November.

05 November 2018

Sound as an influencing factor on safe cycling

Sound as an influencing factor on safe cycling

Agnieszka Stelling explores how sound impacts cyclist traffic safety. She will obtain her doctorate from TU Delft on Monday, 5 November 2018 with research into this subject.

24 October 2018

H2020 Shift2Rail grant for the project MOVINGRAIL

18 October 2018

Winners Young Researchers competition

Winners Young Researchers competition

Congratulations to Cristino Perez Lazaro and Panagiotis Tzouras, two MSc students from Transport & Planning, who won the 2nd place for best papers from young researchers (<35 years) with their paper 'Illegal Parking in Urban Streets: Connection with the Geometric Characteristics and its Mitigation through Traffic Calming Measures' at the conference 5th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Planning and Regional Development!

02 October 2018

Save the date: Launch of the Smart Public Transport Lab Delft

Save the date: Launch of the Smart Public Transport Lab Delft

27 September 2018

Start of UMO: in-depth research into urban mobility

Start of UMO: in-depth research into urban mobility

13 September 2018

2018 INFORMS Railway Applications Section Student Paper Award

15 August 2018

Marjan Hagenzieker nieuw lid van de Raad van Toezicht van het CBR

Marjan Hagenzieker nieuw lid van de Raad van Toezicht van het CBR

De minister van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, heeft per 1 augustus prof. dr. Marjan Hagenzieker benoemd tot lid van de Raad van Toezicht van het CBR.

01 August 2018

ERC Starting Grant for new models of Mobility as a Service

ERC Starting Grant for new models of Mobility as a Service

Oded Cats is one of the seven TU Delft researchers awarded with an ERC Starting Grant. The European Research Council has awarded the grants (1,5 million euros for a five-year programme) which are intended to support scientists who are in the early stages of their career and have already produced excellent supervised work.

28 February 2018

Can free public transport really reduce pollution?

The German government proposes making public transport free in its 5 most polluted cities, including Berlin. Dr. Oded Cats shared in interviews to German media his views based on research he conducted for the case of Tallinn, Estonia, which introduced free-fare public transport in 2013. Research results do not provide evidence that the measure proposed by the German government will achieve its objective.