Kelvin Loh - TNO


‘The link between COSSE and most industrial applications’

Over the course of the roughly 6 months in the department, the nature of the projects are such that they require the use of applied math and programming experience. This talk will present some of the work done as a Junior Scientist in TNO; and how the training provided by the COSSE program has helped in the projects which give impact to society. Examples will cover from network simulations to the stochastic modeling of consumer demands. Some CFD work done with the green building consultancy company will also be presented, which covers the development of a Wind Driven Rain code in OpenFOAM.

Short biography:

Kelvin Loh is an alumni of the COSSE 2012 cohort with the first year spent in TU Delft and second year in FAU Erlangen. Spent about a year after graduation working as a CFD specialist in a green building consultancy firm in Singapore then moved back to Delft to join the Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics (HTFD) Department at TNO.