Ir. R.J.M. (Rowin) Bol

Ir. R.J.M. (Rowin) Bol


Within the project “Auxetic Cementitious Composites through 3D Printing” or “ACC-3D” in short, Rowin performs numerical research on 3D printed (meta)materials, various interfaces and composite behaviour using the Delft lattice model in combination with a parameter-passing multi-scale modelling scheme. The research aims at creating novel, ductile cementitious composites in which the reinforcement actively restrains crack localization and improves the bond behaviour under loading.

Academic background

Rowin obtained both his BSc and MSc degrees in Structural Engineering & Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 2019 and 2022, respectively. He graduated in the Chair of Applied Mechanics (cum laude) with his thesis work “Multi-Scale Material Modelling: Application in Topology Optimization of Structures”, which was nominated as the best MSc Thesis of the Department of the Built Environment and won the Audience Award during the TU/e Academic Awards 2023.

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