About True U

True U is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) network for employees at TU Delft. The network contributes to a work culture where every employee can be themselves. The network gives a face to the LGBTIQ+ community within TU Delft and offers LGBTIQ+ people the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange experiences and knowledge. The network is a sounding board for the Executive Board, Diversity Office and HR and can provide solicited and unsolicited advice.


True U works in a dynamic and international environment such as TU Delft (a community of 30,000 people, of countless nationalities) on the visibility and acceptance of LGBTIQ+ colleagues and students. LGBTIQ+ people must be able to assume their role on campus in a self-aware and open manner. Everyone benefits from that.

Meet the board

Currently True U has the following board members:

  • Julien van Campen (Aerospace Engineering)
  • Ajay Jagadeesh (Civil Engineering and Geosciences)
  • Jasper van Heusden (Applied Sciences)
  • Rachel Marbus (Chief Privacy Officer)

Julien is the Chair of True U

I am Julien van Campen and I am the current chair of True U. True U had two chairs before me: Dirk van den Heuvel, co-founder of True U, and Cecile Calis. I have been helping to organise True U events from the very beginning of True U back in 2016. I am an assistant professor at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, where next to teaching I focus on the use of composite structures for hydrogen storage, and the use of non-conventional laminates to minimise the lifecycle impact of composite structures. I became involved with True U, because when I studied in Delft myself, in the early 2000’s, I was very much closeted, and there were also virtually no openly gay lecturers at the time. Therefore, when I returned to the TU Delft as staff member eight years ago, I wanted to be a queer role model for students, to show to them that you can have a career AND be an out and proud member of the LGBTIQ+ community. 

Ajay is Vice-Chair  

I'm excited to introduce myself as the Vice-Chair of True U. My true passion lies in bridging the realms of social science and engineering, and I'm wholeheartedly dedicated to fostering an environment where the vibrant tapestry of our diverse community can not only exist, but thrive. In addition to my role as a lecturer at the faculty of CiTG, I am committed to addressing intersectionality, encompassing sexuality, race, language and disability within our LGBTQIA+ community. I'm deeply committed to forging alliances between queer and straight individuals, recognizing that it's through collaboration that we can effect genuine change. In this pursuit, I aim to foster an atmosphere characterized by understanding, acceptance, and collaborative efforts. 

Jasper is the secretary/ treasurer of True U 

I am a project officer at the faculty of Applied sciences supporting scientists with grant advice and project management. My own scientific background is in biology and ecology. I’m happy to be working for a very open, young and inclusive department, but I realise this is not the default at TUD. Also from personal experiences elsewhere, I realise how important it is to raise awareness and increase visibility of diversity in general. I joined True U to support the process to reach a more inclusive atmosphere throughout the organisation.

Rachel is a general board member of True U 

Since March of this year, I work for the TU Delft as Chief Privacy Officer at the ICT Department. As such I am the privacy lead of our University and together with the privacy officers we aim to create a more privacy friendly environment. I studied Journalism and Law & Technology and still love to write and read (al lot of fiction) in my free time. I joined True U because I actively want to contribute to create a more open and accepting ecosystem for anyone under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. I have a special interest in trans rights, bi-visibility and intersectional diversity.