Preparing for action – implementation of Ans as preferred assessment tool

The project team is working hard on getting all preconditions fixed so Ans will be used as our standard assessment tool.

This means making sure Ans works smoothly in a secure environment on campus as well as remote, preparing for automatic transfer of questions from existing tools such as Möbius to Ans, and setting up training and manuals for teachers and updating support pages. The expectation is that Ans will be in wide use in spring 2023.

Ans is a good solution for most assessments, but there might be some exceptions where another tool is a better fit. Please contact the project team if you have any questions about this (for contact details see below).

Teachers will be approached during November and December if they work with Möbius and if the project team thinks their assessments are suitable to transfer to Ans. The migration will be done automatically for the most part, but some preparation by teachers is needed, and also checks afterwards. Teacher support will be available.

After the migration of the Möbius assessments the project team will also look at summative assessments in Brightspace and tools like Zesje and making a plan for migration of the assessments from these tools to Ans.

Keep an eye on the Educator to stay informed about Ans. We are currently also working to create a landing page to inform everyone that is involved.

If you have questions, feedback or concerns about what the implementation of Ans as standard assessment system means for your education, please send a mail to the project lead Inez de Fluiter via The project team values your input and welcomes any feedback!

If you would like to know more about digital assessment and support, please visit the website Teaching & Learning Support.