Cyber Security Webinar by Dr. Zeki Erkin : Veni, Vidi, Vici(?)

02 maart 2021 12:00 t/m 12:45 | Zet in mijn agenda

Meeting ID: 965 4653 3520 
Passcode: 923392 

It has been more than two years since I started my part time position at Radboud University. In this talk, I will explain a little bit about the EU project I have been involved. I will also present the work on Threshold Multi-party Private Set Intersection, based on a use case addressed in the project. The cryptographic protocol was designed using Bloom filters. Our approach has linear complexity and improves state of the art significantly for large numbers of (corruptible) parties, for instance, when there are 10 or more parties who have 64 elements in their sets.