Lecture: Magnetocalorics Boosting the Dutch Energy Transition

13 januari 2021 16:00 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: Eveline Zeegers | Zet in mijn agenda

Lecture by Michael Maschek, Co-founder & Technical Developer, Magneto
Hosted by the Urban Energy Institute
Date: Wednesday 13 January
Time: 4-5pm CET
Moderator: Kornelis Blok

Magnetocaloric technologies can strongly boost the energy transition with novel energy efficient heating & cooling solutions as well as by utilization of one of the largest untapped energy sources in the world: low temperature waste heat below 80°C. Going from fundamental physics to application in cities, we will explore benefits and risks of two promising technologies: (1) novel innovative magnetocaloric heat pumps and (2) thermomagnetic motors, which can convert waste heat below 80°C into electricity. Furthermore, we will explore the role of the TU Delft spin-off Magneto connecting fundamental material research with engineering and system development. Finally, we will have a look at opportunities in the Amsterdam area utilizing magnetocaloric power conversion.

Read more about magnetocaloric heatpump technology in our online feature, 'Magic cooling for a greener world, here.

About the Speaker
Michael is a technology developer and Co-founder of Magneto B.V. with the goal to commercialize and produce magnetocaloric materials for innovative magnetic heat pumps and waste-heat power conversion technologies. His expertise is physics, material science, material synthesis & analysis, chemistry and thermodynamics.
Prior Michael was a post-doc at the Radbout University on Computational screening for new magnetocaloric materials and at the Technical University of Delft on 'Magnetocaloric materials for heat pumps and power conversion technlogies.

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