Urban Energy Lecture: Brains for Building Energy Systems: Models & ML for an Efficient Approach of Operation

13 januari 2022 12:45 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: TUD Campus, room tbd | Zet in mijn agenda

Lecture by Laure Itard, Professor of Building Energy Epidemiology at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Hosted by the Urban Energy Institute
Date: Thursday 13 January 2022
Time: 12:45-13:30 CET Online
Moderator: Henk Visscher

What is the role of models in the data revolution energy systems are going through? Can we just trust data and use machine learning to steer the operation of energy systems in buildings? Are we going to throw away all these complex thermal models of buildings and systems we were working with in the past? HVAC engineers are recognizing the need for data analytics and machine learning. But data analysts working in the field are searching desperately how to understand the systems they are working on.  So, what is at stake here? And which level of understanding of systems’ behavior is necessary to activate the full potential of data analytics to steer on operational performances?  During the lecture we will address and discuss these issues.

About the Speaker

Laure Itard is Professor of Building Energy Epidemiology at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology since 2018. The Chair of Building Energy Epidemiology focusses on performance analysis, diagnosis, and optimization of energy systems in operation at the level of buildings and the building stock This is achieved by combining statistics and data analytics with thermodynamics, building physics, behavioural sciences, and systems’ dynamics in order to develop new methods for analysis and interpretation of large combinations of data sets in the building stock, neighbourhoods and buildings; to better understand the complex interactions between buildings, indoor climate equipment, and occupants; and finally to develop methods for diagnosis, optimization, and prediction of operational performances of energy systems.  The research field of the chair offers new opportunities for energy policy assessment, for the identification of energy efficient measures and systems for buildings in use and for automated fault diagnosis and control of energy systems in buildings 

Download the presentation here.

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