Geospatial Data Carpentry for Urbanism

19 februari 2024 09:00 t/m 20 februari 2024 17:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library - Orange room | Zet in mijn agenda

A Data Carpentry workshop aims to teach researchers basic concepts, skills and tools for working with data to get research done more efficiently. This workshop aligns with the Rbanism community's mission of furthering open science practices through reproducible, automated and scalable research with the R programming language.

This is a hands-on training that teaches data management and analysis for geospatial data used in the urbanism research field including:

  • Introduction to R for Geospatial Data (e.g., import data into R, calculate summary statistics, and create publication-quality graphics)
  • Introduction to Geospatial Vector and Raster Data with R (e.g., open, work with, and plot vector and raster-format spatial data in R)

Its target audience is researchers with little to no prior computational experience, and lessons are domain specific.

TU Delft PhD candidates can receive 1.5 GS credits in the category of Research Skills (according to the Graduate School education programme) when attending all the days of the workshop and actively participating in the sessions.


Organised by: TU Delft Library in collaboration with the TU Delft Digital Competence Centre (DCC), researchers from TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism, and the Rbanism community.