Bram Pronk

I'm a PhD candidate at the Delft Bioinformatics Lab of TU Delft, under the supervision of Marcel Reinders and Stavros Makrodimitris. My research focuses on the development of diagnostic tools for cancer using liquid biopsies as a non-invasive screening procedure using machine learning. The ultimate goal is to exploit the signal in liquid biopsy data to detect cancer in a tumor-agnostic setting for both early detection and minimum residual disease quantification. This research is done in collaboration with the Erasmus Medical Center under Saskia Wilting.

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2021) and a Master's degree in Computer Science (2023) both from TU Delft, and completed my Master's thesis at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI). During my Bachelor's thesis I was amongst others supervised by both Stavros and Marcel, and am really happy to continue this collaboration in my PhD. This was also the moment where I knew I wanted to focus on cancer research, after exploring the options for the application of computer science in the medical field during my internships and my minor in biomedical engineering.