
21 mei 2021

TU Delft | Global Initiative is looking for students to join its first ever Student Club Board!

TU Delft | Global Initiative is looking for students to join its first ever Student Club Board!

Are you interested in sustainable global development? Do you think research and technology are important in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Do you want to make a difference? Are you a BSc or MSc student? Then we are looking for you!

27 januari 2021

Merle de Kreuk announced as NWO-WOTRO Steering Committee Member

Merle de Kreuk announced as NWO-WOTRO Steering Committee Member

Prof. Merle de Kreuk has been announced as the newest member of the NWO-WOTRO steering committee, representing the Engineering and Applied Sciences. She has been appointed for a first term of three years. 

05 november 2020

Providing Guatemala with mechanical ventilators to battle COVID-19

Providing Guatemala with mechanical ventilators to battle COVID-19

‘It’s been surprising to see what determination, science, and solidarity can really do. In literally four months we were able to go from nothing to a working machine, produced in a country that supposedly cannot feed its own population.’ Diego Quan, founder of non-profit Respira-Guatemala, sometimes cannot fully believe the success his team has had in setting up a local production line and assembling and delivering ventilators to Guatemala this past summer. The non-profit partnership in Guatemala with help from dr. Gerwin Smit and Project Inspiration of the TU Delft aim to produce around 100 ventilators by the end of this year, and another 160 in the first five months of 2021.

04 november 2020

Lucht als drijvende kracht voor drinkwaterzuivering

Lucht als drijvende kracht voor drinkwaterzuivering

Doris van Halem heeft van NWO een VIDI-financiering van 800.000 euro toegekend gekregen voor haar voorstel om kennis te ontwikkelen over duurzame waterzuiveringstechnieken. Hiermee kan Van Halem de komende vijf jaar een eigen, vernieuwende onderzoekslijn ontwikkelen en een onderzoeksgroep opzetten. Van Halem: “Ik ben ontzettend blij met de kans om aan dit belangrijke en uitdagende onderwerp te kunnen gaan werken!”

19 oktober 2020

Seeking –virtual- connection: Global Research in Times of Corona

Seeking –virtual- connection: Global Research in Times of Corona

By now it is a fact that the world has drastically changed. Everyone has experienced the effects of the pandemic either personally, professionally, or both. What does it mean for TU Delft | Global Initiative PhD students -also known as TU Delft Global Fellows- , whose research on the other side of the planet suddenly came to a grinding halt? A roundtable discussion with three fellows – Mónica Estébanez Camarena, Pieter Ham, and Juan Carlo Intriago Zambrano - on how their research was affected, the importance of staying flexible, and the value of co-creation.

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