People Pages


When searching for an employee, you are automatically sent to These pages are filled with information from HR, e-service, and other administrative sources, and can't be edited in Typo3. By using People Pages, we can take control over these pages, partly.

It is worth noting that the current functionalities of the People Pages are not as desired; it might be subject to overhaul in the near future.

Creating a Person page

To take control of a Person Page, you need to go through these steps:

  1. Open the current staff page you wish to edit, in a tab of your browser. 
  2. Create a new page:
    - For Pagetitle, it makes sense (but is not required) to copy the header of the staff page
    - For Page Type, select TU Person, and allow it to refresh in the pop-up (or directly create a TU Person-page)
  3. You now see a field 'Person Identifier'. This is how we connect this page to the staff page.
  4. Go to the staff page, right-click on the page, and select 'View page source'.
  5. Ctrl-F on the page for data-webidentification. There, you'll find a 5 character code.
  6. Insert that code in the field 'Person Identifier'.
  7. Under the tab Advanced, change the Page Type to Standard
  8. Under the tab Appearance, change the Backend Layout to Person Page.

Save & View the page. You should now see the same information as was on the staff page. Also, when you now search for the employee, it will send you to this page, instead of the URL. Directly entering will now also forward you to this page.

When you exit the page properties, you will notice there are no content elements on this page. When you add them, they will appear below the automatic information. You are free to place all available elements here. You can also create underlying pages; for instance, for projects.

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Using a People Pages Element

There is also a way to place content above the automatic information. To do this, follow the same steps as above, with one exception:

  1. Under the Tab Appearance, DON'T change the Backend Layout to Person Page. Instead, keep it blank, or choose a layout to your liking.
  2. Save & Close the page properties.
  3. On this page, create a new content element 'People Pages'. This will display the information block. You can place this wherever you like on the page.

Please note: this is a very crude element, and it has not been developed much. This means, for instance, the Language field is missing. To make this a Language:All element, change its type to another element, set the language, then change it back to People Pages.

When you look at the page, you'll likely notice the page header and the original staff page header are both displayed on top of each other. The title of the People Pages element unfortunately can't be hidden, which is why using this method only makes sense when you want to push the information block down the page.

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