Leadership for Digitalisation in Higher Education

On MAY 24-26, 2023 the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education – at Twente-University-  hosted and organized the SEFI/EUROPEAN CONVENTION FOR ENGINEERING DEANS. The convention brought together Engineering Deans and Educational Directors from European and International Leading Universities in Engineering Education. This years topic of discussion was “LEADERSHIP FOR DIGITALIZATION IN HIGHER ENGINEERING EDUCATION". Delft was well represented with several participants (Ena Voûte, Joris Melkert, MaartenJan Hoekstra, Remon Rooij) and contributors (Marcus Specht, Aldert Kamp). 

In the first keynote Aldert Kamp, the retired director of Education of Aerospace Engineering, talked about his vision on engineering education, future skills and important aspects to adress in Engineering Education in transformation. In the second keynote Prof. Marcus Specht, chair of Digital Education at EWI, talked about leadership styles in educational innovation and models for professionalisation of digital skills in learning networks to enable value creation in future hybrid education spaces. 

In a variety of workshops and panel discussions the partcipants reflected and discussed the future of engineering education in a European context. The discussion will be continued in the yearly SEFI research conference in Dublin from 11-14th of September.