New TUlib knowledge base for information literacy

TUlib has recently been given a facelift: the online knowledge base now has a new layout and the links have also been changed. Therefore, please update the links in your teaching materials so that they continue to work properly. The new website, which still has the same content, can be found at

Redirects active for up to six months
Redirects from the old TUlib to the new TUlib will be active from July 2023. These redirects will remain active for a maximum of six months. After that, the old TUlib will be taken offline permanently. A frequently used link that has been changed is the APA 7th Citation Examples, part of TUlib:

About TUlib
TUlib (developed by Education Support), is an online knowledge base for information literacy. TUlib covers topics such as searching for literature and other sources, managing information, referencing, copyright, publishing, and a large number of other skills that are crucial for all students. Although TUlib was initially developed for TU Delft undergraduates, the knowledge is available to anyone as an Open Educational Resource (OER). In 2022, there were more than 80,000 page views by just under 22,000 users, during more than 40,000 sessions.

Suggestions are welcome
We are constantly updating and improving TUlib, driven by developments and current events. Suggestions for new or additional content on information literacy that is relevant to students are always welcome. Please contact