Research Program STEM

Research Program Spoor Trillingen Emissie Model (STEM)

The collaborative research program STEM, funded by ProRail and formalized in June 2022, was launched in response to growing transportation demands and environmental impacts. It aims to develop a new rail vibration emission model and addresses broader vibration concerns. This knowledge is crucial for making informed investment decisions to address vibration nuisances successfully. DelftRail manages the program and the participating departments are Geoscience & Engineering, and Engineering Structures.

Involved academic staff:
Prof.dr. Zili Li Rolf Dollevoet Evert Slob Cristina Jommi
Prof.dr. Michael Hicks Michaël Steenbergen
Dr. Chen Shen
Dr. Luca Flessati

Projectmanager: Narges Yoesefi

More info about STEM on ProRail website.