Understanding the complexity of the energy transition in the Rotterdam/The Hague area

News - 13 September 2018 - Communication BK

Carola Hein (Architecture) together with Jonge Honden received a € 15.000,- NWO KIEM subsidy to connect the analysis of spatial impact of the energy transition to that of new business models.

The result will become a tool of interaction between scientists, institutions, and citizens, and offers fertile ground for connecting science, the business community and other parts of society around the energy transition and to “re-enterprise” the city. To design the energy transition we need creative approaches, new spatial practices, behavioural changes, and innovative business structures. Building on work done by Hein exploring and visualizing the historic spatial progress of the introduction of green energies (solar, wind, geothermal) and their social implications in the Rotterdam/The Hague area, the project aims to develop spatial and social energy transition scenarios that guide future job opportunities, to visualize these scenarios as a basis for new social practices and cultural values, to present them in an exhibition and a conference and to develop grants together.