A living campus: the Disc on Campus project

News - 07 June 2019 - Communication

Since the end of May, Ultimate Frisbee association Force Elektro in collaboration with X, has placed three boxes on the campus containing a frisbee disc. These frisbees can be used freely at any time to throw around and just have a good time. A nice break of your activities!

With the Disc-on-Campus project, we hope to create a way of freeing your mind, and Force Elektro hopes to increase interest in Ultimate Frisbee. That is why the boxes also feature a QR-code which leads to a YouTube channel containing instruction videos on throwing techniques.

You can find the boxes near the Aula, just across the cycling path toward Applied Sciences, on the field behind the new Applied Sciences building in the south of the campus, and on the square at X next to the beach volleyball fields. Happy throwing!