News - 06 October 2022

DEWIS (Delft Women in Science) empowers brilliant women scientists, creates awareness about gender-related barriers and influences gender policy for a more gender diverse and inclusive TU Delft.

Nominate your colleague for the DEWIS AWARD!

Members of the TU Delft community can nominate individuals for their work towards inclusive and gender diverse working environments. The DEWIS Award selection team identifies contributions that are inspiring and exceptionally motivating. This can be in the areas of teaching, research, programs, services, and community outreach.

Rewarding an extraordinary contribution

Each year DEWIS is rewarding the individual that has made an extraordinary contribution to realising an inclusive work environment and to increasing gender equality and gender diversity at TU Delft for women scientists.



“Cultural change happens gradually; it requires patience and perseverance. If we continue to do our part, one small step at a time, things will change.” Professor Zofia Lukszo, DEWIS Chair


The procedure of application is as follows: The candidate submits a letter of nomination electronically to (link sends e-mail). Submit all items together – if possible, in a single, combined PDF file.
Nominations are due 4 November, 2022. 
a.    A letter of nomination from any TU Delft staff member, paying particular attention to how 
the nominee's activities reflect one or more of the criteria noted below, in no more than one or two single-spaced page(s).
b.    Short curriculum vitae or historical background of the nominee (individual or group).

Criteria for selection
The candidate eligible to the price is the individual that:
a.    demonstrates self-awareness by sharing their story; talking about what they do and how this  
       inspires inclusive leadership; 
b.    actively engages in communication with others when it comes to gender diversity, equity and 
c.    encourages others to share their stories on gender equity and inclusion. 

This implies for nominees for the DEWIS Award that as an individual they meet one or
multiple of the following criteria:

a.    Significantly promote gender diversity, equity and inclusion and competency developments among TU 
Delft-employed faculty and support staff members;
b.    Successfully address gender diversity, equity and inclusion in key areas such as recruitment and 
selection, education, retention, campus/department climate, research, networking or field work;
c.    Lead initiatives that capture outcomes of increased awareness, visibility, understanding or promoting 
gender diversity at TU Delft;
d.    Champion gender diversity, equity and inclusion through leadership, new policies and/or through 
e.    Implement steps towards fostering a gender diverse workplace and inclusive workplace relationships
f.    Showcase behaviours and programs that maximize the potential of all people;
g.    Improve competency through best practices that stimulate inclusion;
h.    Cause impact and act as role model and inspiration for different audiences, including different age 
groups and career stages.

Individual winners will receive a reward of 1000 euro. The 1000 euro will be placed into a departmental account to be used at the discretion of the recipient and for increasing gender diversity, equity and inclusion at the department.