National Tree Day - 15 March

News - 17 October 2023 - Tessa van Mourik

On March 15th, 2023, we will celebrate National Tree Day! We will be planting 40 new trees together. Greening the campus is part of the EcoCampus strategy to make TU Delft sustainable. By 2030 we want to be carbon neutral, climate adaptive, circular and have a better liveable campus where we demonstrate our sustainable innovations.

On Plant a Tree Day, we will pay special attention to the biodiversity around us, on campus. A greater biodiversity creates a strong ecosystem, which is more resistant to pollution, drought, floods, and climate change. A healthy ecosystem is also important for us humans. 

Green takes up carbon dioxide, produces oxygen, filters fine-dust particles, provides shading, cools the air through evapo-transpiration, retains and uses rainwater and provides living conditions for flora and fauna.

Therefore, join up to make the campus greener! Sign up, together with fellow students, colleagues to plant a tree on our campus on March 15th! If you have any questions about Plant a Tree Day, get in touch with GreenTU via