AiNed XS Europa grant for Qian Tao

News - 23 April 2024 - Communication ImPhys

Qian Tao has been rewarded with an AiNed XS Europa grant for her project: Physics-informed generative medical imaging: An AI-for-AI solution to fair data.

With these subsidies from the National Growth Fund programme AinEd promising ideas and innovative and speculative initiatives in the artificial intelligence domain can be explored. The projects are designed in collaboration with at least one European collaborative partner organization.

Physics-informed generative medical imaging: An AI-for-AI solution to fair data

Data is the lifeblood of AI. However, in the medical imaging (MI) domain, large datasets with expert annotations are expensive to acquire and difficult to share. Furthermore, it is even more challenging to control the underlying data distribution to address the emerging AI fairness concern. A novel AI-for-AI solution to tackle these challenges is proposed, by integrating imaging physics and demographical control into cutting-edge generative AI. The project will lead to a proof-of-concept MI data curation method that is fair, cost-effective, and privacy-compliant. It potentially transforms medical imaging AI, towards significantly reduced financial and regulatory costs and enhanced fairness.

Source: NWO