News Archive

32 results

26 April 2024

Platforms such as Uber thrive on socio-economic inequality

Platforms such as Uber thrive on socio-economic inequality

Platforms that offer rides to passengers, such as Uber and DiDi, thrive on socio-economic inequality. By modelling the behaviour of passengers and self-employed drivers, researchers of TU Delft simulated the market for ridesourcing platforms, evaluating a broad spectrum of (in)equality levels in societies. It explains why in some cities ridesourcing services can be big players in the mobility system, while in other cities they don’t get off the ground. This research was published in Nature Scientific Reports recently. 

02 February 2024

NWO grant for Human-Centred AI for crowd crisis response

NWO grant for Human-Centred AI for crowd crisis response

AI has the potential to support crowd crises decisions, yet the increasing use of AI has led to a debate about the legal and ethical implications. To address these challenges, the AI-COMPASS consortium, led by TU Delft, develops real-time decision support systems, considering context, behaviour, and values. The project is financed by the Collaboration between Humans and (semi-)Autonomous systems programme of NWO.

23 May 2022

Phd. Malvika Dixit wins prestigious award with research in inclusive mobility

Phd. Malvika Dixit wins prestigious award with research in inclusive mobility

Friday May 20, Phd. Malvika Dixit (Department of Transport & Planning) received the Young Researcher of the Year Award 2022*. The award ceremony took place during the International Transport Forum (ITF) in Leipzig. This year's theme was inclusive mobility, which requires increasing attention on many topics, such as accessibility, gender, and income. Together with a team from Delft University of Technology, Malvika conducted research in Amsterdam into how income levels can determine the distance travelled and the fares paid on public transport.

10 March 2022

Using VR for understanding interactions between automated vehicles an vulnerable road users

Virtual Reality (VR) provides possibilities to obtain complete experimental control and automatically collect behavioral data of vulnerable road users when interacting with automated vehicles. The usage of VR has attracted strong attention to play a key role in studying and better understanding interactions between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users.

06 August 2021

Uber both competes with, and complements public transport

Uber both competes with, and complements public transport

Tussen een en twee op de vijf Uber-reizen hebben geen haalbaar alternatief in het openbaar vervoer. Het aandeel reizigers dat Uber verkiest boven openbaar vervoer neemt af naarmate de reistijd van het openbaar vervoer concurrerender is. Dat zijn twee bevindingen in een nieuw onderzoeksrapport over ritdiensten, dat gebaseerd is op een vergelijking van gegevens van Uber en het openbaar vervoer uit zes steden in de VS en Europa.

11 February 2021

PhD Defence Alexandra Gavriilidou

PhD Defence Alexandra Gavriilidou

Wednesday the 3rd of February Alexandra Gavriilidou will defend her thesis entitled ‘Cyclists in Motion: from data collection to behavioural models.’ The defence ceremony will take place in the Senaatszaal of the TU Delft Aula. Prior to the defence, at 14:30, Alexandra will give a brief presentation about her research.

11 February 2021

PhD Defence Florian Schneider

PhD Defence Florian Schneider

Monday the 1st of February Florian Schneider will defend his thesis entitled ‘Spatial activity-travel patterns of cyclists’. The defence ceremony will be online and start at 15.00 hr.

22 January 2021

Well prepared for future disasters

Yesterday Ernst Kuijpers, Marion Koopmans and Ahmed Aboutaleb presented the Pandemics and Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) of TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam during the television programme Jinek. Many researchers from the faculty of CEG are involved, including Prof. Bas Jonkman (for his expertise on floods and their impact) and Prof. Serge Hoogendoorn (for his knowledge of the role of mobility in infectious diseases).

22 January 2021

Well prepared for future disasters

Yesterday Ernst Kuijpers, Marion Koopmans and Ahmed Aboutaleb presented the Pandemics and Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) of TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam during the television programme Jinek. Many researchers are involved, including dr. Tina Comes and prof. Pieter van Gelder. This knowledge centre brings together top scientists with knowledge of pandemic threats and climate-related calamities.

11 June 2020

Public transport and shared mobility during and after a social distancing society

Public transport and shared mobility during and after a social distancing society

Public transport has not been the same since the corona crisis. The first challenge was to keep a safe distance in the train, tram, metro or bus and in multiple countries Public Transport, is currently (fully) opening up again. What measures are needed and what structural changes will we see? And what will be the effect on Mobility as a Service (MaaS)?