
846 results

10 December 2019

ERC Consolidator Grant for better energy conversion

ERC Consolidator Grant for better energy conversion

TU Delft researcher Dr. Rene Pecnik has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research into energy conversion

10 December 2019

Combination of microscopy techniques makes images twice as sharp

Combination of microscopy techniques makes images twice as sharp

Researchers at Delft University of Technology have combined two existing super-resolution microscopy techniques to create a new method. Many experts thought that combining these techniques was not technically possible. The new, combined method enables researchers to visualize the tiny components of living cells better than ever before. Among other things, this can lead to new insights for healthcare.

10 December 2019

MAVLab world champion in AIRR autonomous drone race 2019

MAVLab world champion in AIRR autonomous drone race 2019

A team from the MAVLab of TU Delft has won the Artificial Intelligence Robotic Racing (AIRR) World Championship in Austin, Texas

04 December 2019

TU Delft starts online platform with science stories

On you can find a selection of stories about our research and our scientists.

03 December 2019

Understanding and predicting sandy beaches

Understanding and predicting sandy beaches

Sand is the second most widely used raw material in the world, after water. Sand dunes keep our country safe from flooding.

03 December 2019

All Pilsner yeast strains originate from a single yeast ancestor

All Pilsner yeast strains originate from a single yeast ancestor

Pilsner yeast, the well-known micro-organism that brewers use every year to make hundreds of billions of litres of pilsner and other lagers, came into being 500 years ago through an accidental encounter between two species of yeast. The yeast strains now used to brew pilsner can all be traced back to that time. This is the conclusion reached by TU Delft researchers based on extensive DNA analysis.

29 November 2019

TU Delft 53th in THE University Employability Ranking

TU Delft 53th in THE University Employability Ranking

TU Delft ranks 53th in the Times Higher Education Global University Employability Ranking 2019, two places higher than last year.

28 November 2019

TU Delft tops new global MOOC rankings

TU Delft tops new global MOOC rankings

TU Delft has topped the latest World University Rankings Based On MOOC Performance (WURMP).

25 November 2019

Mark van Loosdrecht elected as member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Mark van Loosdrecht elected as member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CEA) has announced that it has elected Mark van Loosdrecht, Professor of Environmental Biotechnology, as a member.

21 November 2019

‘Ruler-less measuring’ at crime scenes

‘Ruler-less measuring’ at crime scenes

Researchers at TU Delft and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) have developed a new ‘ruler-less prototype’ that may make the use of a physical ruler at the crime scene redundant.

21 November 2019

Crowdsourced ‘supercomputer’ enables more localised and accurate rainfall forecasts

Crowdsourced ‘supercomputer’ enables more localised and accurate rainfall forecasts

Accurate forecasts of rainfall are crucial in Africa, where 95% of agriculture depends on highly localised rainfall. Currently, forecasts are based on satellite data and are not sufficiently accurate for small geographical areas.

19 November 2019

Building a Mars base with bacteria

Building a Mars base with bacteria

How do you make a base on Mars? Simple: you send some bacteria to the red planet and you let them mine iron.

18 November 2019

Predicting people’s driving personality

Predicting people’s driving personality

A team of researchers from MIT and TU Delft has developed a new system that sizes up drivers as selfish or selfless.

15 November 2019

How to Expand and Contract Curved Surfaces of all Shapes

How to Expand and Contract Curved Surfaces of all Shapes

Researchers at TU Delft have designed a dilation method that can be applied to any curved surface. The range of applications include medical braces for children, expandable furniture, or aortic stents.

15 November 2019

Researchers see rapidly hunting CRISPR system in action

Researchers see rapidly hunting CRISPR system in action

12 November 2019

Djonno Bresser is TU Delft Best Graduate 2019

Djonno Bresser is TU Delft Best Graduate 2019

Today, at the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2019, eight recently graduated engineers presented their research and results of their excellent master thesis. Djonno Bresser, graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), received the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2019.

07 November 2019

Joris Melkert voted Best Teacher at TU Delft

Joris Melkert voted Best Teacher at TU Delft

Joris Melkert, senior lecturer in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE), has been chosen TU Delft’s Best Teacher of 2019.

07 November 2019

Opening Industrial Catalysis Lab TU Delft

Opening Industrial Catalysis Lab TU Delft

On 20 November 2019, TU Delft will open the Industrial Catalysis Lab, a new high-tech facility that makes it possible to carry out experiments under high pressure and at high temperatures. The lab forms a bridge between industry and the academic world, where experiments are usually carried out under lower pressure and at lower temperatures. In this building, researchers led by a new professor will develop innovations in the field of catalysis. Catalysis is a technology that accelerates chemical reactions and that forms the basis for many of our plastics, fuels and fertilizers.

07 November 2019

TU Delft in four major new public-private research programmes

TU Delft in four major new public-private research programmes

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has announced the new research programmes that will be part of its ‘Perspective for Top Sectors' funding programme.

31 October 2019

Swarm of tiny drones explores unknown environments

Swarm of tiny drones explores unknown environments

Researchers have presented a swarm of tiny drones that can explore unknown environments completely by themselves.

31 October 2019

Artificial cell division a step closer to reality

Artificial cell division a step closer to reality

Researchers at TU Delft have succeeded in replicating a biological mechanism that is essential for cell division in bacteria in the lab. The research is an important step within a larger, ambitious project with the ultimate goal of creating a fully artificial cell that can sustain and divide itself. The researchers have published their findings in Nature Communications.

21 October 2019

Neanderthal glue from the North Sea

Neanderthal glue from the North Sea

Scientific research has revealed that a flint tool cased in a tar-like substance is actually one of the few examples of the use of glue by Neanderthals.

21 October 2019

Eight graduates nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2019

Eight graduates nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2019

Today, 21 October 2019, Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2019. Each faculty has named their Best Graduate 2019, totalling a number of eight talented recently graduated engineers.

18 October 2019

4TU Impact Challenge

4TU Impact Challenge

Teams from the four Dutch universities of technology are competing to come up with the best and most innovative ideas that contribute to resolving problems in society.

17 October 2019

The digital revolution is coming: Do IoT Fieldlab officially launched

The digital revolution is coming: Do IoT Fieldlab officially launched

The new Do IoT Fieldlab (Delft on the Internet of Things) was officially launched on Wednesday afternoon during a kick-off event on the TU Delft Campus.

17 October 2019

NunaX up in flames on dramatic last day of racing

NunaX up in flames on dramatic last day of racing

Port Augusta - NunaX, the newest solar car of the Vattenfall Solar Team, was forced to retire from the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge.

14 October 2019

Royal couple opens vertical wastewater treatment pilot in New Delhi

Royal couple opens vertical wastewater treatment pilot in New Delhi

The royal couple opened a new pilot installation for the purification of contaminated wastewater in Indian drains.

14 October 2019

NunaX in second position after second day of racing

NunaX in second position after second day of racing

14 October 2019

TU Delft researchers design new material by using Artificial Intelligence only

TU Delft researchers design new material by using Artificial Intelligence only

Researchers at TU Delft have developed a new material without doing any experimental tests at all.

07 October 2019

TU Delft presents scale model and cabin for energy-efficient Flying-V

TU Delft presents scale model and cabin for energy-efficient Flying-V

At the KLM Experience Days, TU Delft will be presenting the revolutionary Flying-V.

03 October 2019

Seeing, touching and documenting Dutch Master paintings

Seeing, touching and documenting Dutch Master paintings

A reproduction of a painting on screen or as a poster often looks like the painting, but at the same time doesn’t come close to what the original work really looks like.

01 October 2019

Researchers from TU Delft discover real Van Gogh using artificial intelligence

Researchers from TU Delft discover real Van Gogh using artificial intelligence

What did Vincent van Gogh actually paint and draw? Paintings and drawings fade, so researchers from TU Delft are using deep learning to digitally reconstruct works of art and discover what they really looked like. ‘What we see today is not the painting or drawing as it originally was,’ says researcher Jan van der Lubbe.

25 September 2019

Pelican drone ensures super quick water sampling

Pelican drone ensures super quick water sampling

This week a 'pelican drone’ from TU Delft took water samples in the new Marker Wadden nature area.

24 September 2019

'Battery research holds promises, but still has a long way to go'

'Battery research holds promises, but still has a long way to go'

Inaugaral lecture M. Wagemaker (TNW): Recharge 25 september 2019, starts at 15:00 – Aula, TU Delft

20 September 2019

Brand new laboratory for research into sustainable electricity supply

Brand new laboratory for research into sustainable electricity supply

In order to achieve the climate targets, the Netherlands needs to generate much more electricity using the sun and wind. But is our electricity network even ready for that? Unfortunately not. In order to tackle this gigantic challenge, TU Delft is currently building a brand new laboratory: the Electrical Sustainable Powerlab, aka the ESP Lab.

19 September 2019

TU Delft 37th in QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020

The QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020 puts TU Delft 37th in the world, up from 41st position last year.

16 September 2019

The Netherlands as an international centre for Quantum Technology

The Netherlands as an international centre for Quantum Technology

State Secretary Mona Keijzer received the National Agenda on Quantum Technology directly from Robbert Dijkgraaf this afternoon.

12 September 2019

Surgeons use octopus-based mechanism for the first time in OR

Surgeons use octopus-based mechanism for the first time in OR

The ‘mechanical octopus’, a steerable laparoscopic instrument used for minimally invasive surgery in the abdominal cavity, has been used for the first time in an operating room.

11 September 2019

TU Delft in 67th place in THE Rankings

In the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings, TU Delft has dropped nine places from last year and now shares 67th place. Since 2014, TU Delft's position in the rankings has fluctuated between 71 and 58.

11 September 2019

Growing Biotech Campus Delft with extra jobs and companies

Growing Biotech Campus Delft with extra jobs and companies

In order to accelerate the development of Biotech Campus Delft into a hub for open innovation in industrial biotechnology, DSM, the City of Delft, TU Delft, the Province of Zuid-Holland and InnovationQuarter have signed a letter of intent