[NA] Artur Palha: Dual-field formulation: Navier-Stokes

20 October 2023 12:30 till 13:15 - Location: Timmanzaal LB01.170 | Add to my calendar

Mimetic structure-preserving discretizations fundamentally require a set of functions spaces that constitute a discrete de Rham sequence. Although a prerequisite, the proper choice of discrete function spaces is not sufficient to construct a discrete physical model that preserves the invariants of the original system. The choice of formulation used to represent the original system of PDEs, is often one among many equivalent choices. Different formulations present different discrete properties (even when using the same set of function spaces). The dual-field formulation is a particular approach that re-writes the original system of equations as a coupled system of equations: one representing the evolution of the primal fields and another representing the evolution of the dual fields. By choosing a staggered time integration approach it is possible to obtain two systems of equations that linearise the nonlinear terms. Several invariants are preserved with this formulation for both Navier-Stokes and MHD systems. In this talk, the dual-field formulation will be presented with focus on the Navier-Stokes.