Real stories of TU Delft: What is it like to find a job and work with a disability, chronic illness or neurodivergence

05 June 2024 15:00 till 16:00 - Location: Commissiekamer 3, Aula | Add to my calendar

This event is organized in collaboration with the Career Centre of TU Delft.

For many people with disabilities, chronic illnesses or neurodivergence job searching and being interviewed can be challenging! Employees of TU Delft, who have gone through this process, will share their personal experiences, tips, guidance and advice on work or finding a job after graduating. They will answer your questions you may have on this topic. Join us and get informed and inspired! 

This event is organised in collaboration with the Career Centre of TU Delft. 

Target group 
(PhD) students 

Type of event 
Panel discussion 

Food and/or drinks 
Coffee and tea 

Click here to register.