Lecture: Paul de Ruiter Architects

20 February 2023 12:45 till 13:45 - Location: OOSTSERRE - By: Communication BK | Add to my calendar

On 20 February, study association D.B.S.G. Stylos organises, as part of their Dies-week, this lecture with Paul de Ruiter Architects.

The keywords innovation, sustainability, identity and interaction underlie the vision of Paul de Ruiter Architects. The office works on the assumption that through research and innovation, aesthetic buildings can be developed that is both sustainable and energy-efficient and healthy to stay at. The buildings are literally and figuratively energizing, and inspire and increase productivity: intelligent buildings that have an explicit influence on society.

The questions he will answer are: Where do you get the inspiration for a new design? How should we make changes in the world of architecture?

More information

  • Please contact the Dies Committee of study association D.B.S.G. Stylos for more information.