Presentation: Project Global: The Logistics of Milk and Timber

06 April 2023 10:00 till 13:00 - Location: Room K - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

On Thursday, April 6, students will present Part 1 of "Project Global: The Logistics of Milk and Timber", in conversation with Caroline Sohie, Diederik de Koning, and Matiss Groskaufmanis. 

Part of a course led by Juan Benavides, Sanne van den Breemer, Salomon Frausto, and Benjamin Groothuijse, the work investigates production and distribution landscapes in the North Sea–Baltic Corridor through the lens of the region’s key natural resources of milk and timber. The presentation will include the screening of a documentary that follows the path of the most profitable product of each resource: fresh milk and prefabricated wooden houses.