Finance Research Day

15 December 2023 09:00 till 17:00 - Location: Commissiekamer 3, Aula, TU Delft | Add to my calendar

The Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM) is organizing the second Finance Research Day at TU Delft with the aim of connecting academics, practitioners and regulators working in the area of quantitative finance, to discuss current challenges and explore new directions in finance.


09:30 Coffee and Tea



10:00 Opening -
10:15 Natalie Kessler - DNB / - Challenges and Solutions in Supervising with Big Data
11:00 Shuaiqiang Liu - ING / TU Delft - Deep learning-based methods for implied volatility surfaces



11:30 Break



11:45 Jasper Rou - TU Delft - Deep Gradient Flow Methods for Option Pricing in Diffusion Models
12:15 Marcel Smith / Kees de Graaf - MavenBlue - Challenges in balance sheet management



12:45 Lunch



14:15 Wim Schoutens - KU Leuven / RiskConcile - Taboos in Finance
15:00 Tim Vogel - Robeco - From research to practical implementations



15:30 Break



16:00 Chiheb Ben Hammouda - U Utrecht - Empowering Fourier-Based Methods for the Efficient Valuation of High-Dimensional Derivatives
16:30 Liakos Papapoulos - LP Innovation Advisory - How thinking in ecosystems can accelerate innovation and add value for the pension fund community



17:00 Drinks & Bites