Workshop Climate Justice: Roundtables with Researchers and Policy Makers

15 May 2024 09:30 till 13:00 | Add to my calendar

The Delft Design for Values Institute is organizing, in collaboration with TU Delft | The Hague, a workshop consisting of two roundtables with scientists and policy makers on Climate Justice. The workshop aims to bridge the gap between engineering, technology, global governance, and politics on climate justice, highlighting diverse voices on local and global issues.

📆 Date: Wednesday 15 May,
🕗 Time: 09:30-13:00 (09:30-10:00 walk-in) // including lunch
📍 Location: Bezuidenhoutseweg 63, 2594 AC The Hague

In this workshop, we will bring together leading academics and policymakers, seeking to address pressing issues at the intersection of climate governance, technology, and justice, particularly seeking to connect contestations from the global south to Dutch and EU policy.

🔗 If you are a policymaker or researcher in this field - we are looking forward to your registration: If we receive a lot of registrations, we have the possibility to select the participants in order to ensure a diverse audience

This workshop is part of the Annual Theme of Design for Justice of the Delft Design for Values Institute.