Optics for all

Exhibition at the Science Centre Delft 

from October 4, 2019 till January 31, 2020

This exhibition highlights instruments and techniques, some largely forgotten, that were developed by the Optics Research Group under the direction of Abraham Cornelis Sebastiaan van Heel (1899 – 1966). Van Heel was the first professor of the Optics Research Group, founded in 1947 at Delft University. He was a great promotor of optics and was internationally known for his enthusiasm, attractive lectures and broad academic activities. With a strong sense for practical solutions, he favoured simple, low-budget equipment. The exhibition is located in the Science Centre in Delft and can be visited till January 31st, 2020.

Foundation of optical research
Van Heel’s interest in optics began while he was studying in Leiden, inspired by two Nobel Prize winners: Lorentz and Kamerlingh Onnes. After studying physics and obtaining his PhD at Leiden University, Van Heel became a senior assistant at TU Delft in 1925. In 1928, he briefly worked at the Paris Institute d’Optique and took home many ideas for the foundation of optical research in Delft. He also shaped the optical industry in the Netherlands after the Second World War. 

Face2Phase conference in Science Centre
This exhibition is part of the Face2Phase conference that is being held for the second time at the Science Centre Delft from 21-23 October 2019. It is organised by the Optics Research Group, part of the Imaging Physics (ImPhys) department of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. For more information visit www.face2phase.nl. 

The exhibition 'Optics for all' is curated by Jules Schoonman (Academic Heritage, TU Delft Library) and Thim Zuidwijk (Optics Research Group, Applied Sciences), in collaboration with the TU Delft Library and Science Centre Delft. With great thanks to Erwin van Asbeck and Joseph Braat.